Tuesday, August 23, 2011

From Apocalypses, Spring 2009

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Place to Stand

After reading The World Without Us I had a few days of wandering though out my apartment stunned and amazed by the amount of plastic that is present in my life. Not only plastic, but anything in general really that will out last myself and my impact on the environment. Some day I will die, and I will decompose and rot. I am okay with that. What frightens me is that my plastic bottle of hair pomade will out last me. The plastic hangers I have in my closet will out last me. The plastic wrappers around the string cheese that I love to eat will out last me. I am okay with my own decomposition, but the fact that tampon packaging and applicators will be around long after I am gone just doesn’t seem right. The ‘green’ cleaners I buy for my house are still in plastic bottles. Even the play numbers that are on the fridge that entertain my roommates and I will out last the three of us. Here’s a look into some of the plastic in my life that has been staring me down since finishing The World Without Us.

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