Sunday, May 15, 2011

Interview 7

AGE: 35

KM: How do you envision the end of the world?
RT: I see it pretty violently actually. The end end? I see it being pretty painful. I don’t know about the fire and brimstone stuff, but upheaval comes to mind. Catastrophic change. Which isn’t all that bad.
KM: Violent in what way? World War? Nuclear holocaust? Nasty pandemic?
RT: Violent in the sense that we’ll have to make drastic choices. I think that’s really going to bring the end end. Choice for change, and then those that don’t want it. I think that’s where the violence comes in, people are just so against change. And it’s going to be played to the soundtrack of Prodigy. No I don’t see as plague, not biblical end. God has bigger fish to fry.
KM: What then would be one of these choices? Choices between what?
RT: I think the choice to accept our humanity. Because ultimately we are the ones who make the choices to move on, to progress, to evolve to something better. That’s why I have issues with the whole God apocalypse thing. Why would he choose to end the big show now? He’s been letting us run amuck for this long, why would he care? We all have free will. People that don’t want change are going to hold fast. And are going to fight it.
KM: Who do you see winning?
RT: I don’t think it’s a case of winning. I think eventually the world is going to win. Winning is being able to make the fight, not winning or losing. It’s happening in three years anyways. I’m obsessed with the 2012 thing. I think living through the Bush administration has made me realize that the world will end. Bush being in office was the closest thing I’ve ever seen to the world going to hell in a hand basket.
KM: So what is going to happen in 2012? Have you built your bunker or fall out shelter yet?
RT: 2012 to me has been an obsession to me in terms of, societies before us whether it was the Myans or whomever, were much more in tune.
KM: In tune in what sense?
RT: The watching of the stars. Who actually watches stars anymore? Life to them was about that. Observing the world around them. Mathematically the stuff that they did was amazing. They believe in epics. Time periods exist in epics. It wasn’t about prophesizing, it was about cycles, everything is cyclical. 2012 is a world change.
KM: So what is this change going to entail?
RT: The I, I, I, has to become a we, we, we, thing. If you don’t change I’m going to seriously fuck with you till millions of you die will be the sentiment. The change is we. Billions of I’s all needing to become us.

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