Sunday, May 15, 2011

Interview 3

AGE: 33

KM: How do you envision the end of the world?
BM: Zombies. There’s so many possibilities. I hope its zombies because they’ll be easier to shoot.
KM: You would like an end that would involve it being easy for you to shoot someone or something?
BM: I would personally find it easier to shoot zombies instead of people. To defend my friends and family against them. In some way too, I don’t know if I necessarily believe in the end of the world itself, but I don’t doubt that there is going to be a reason to go to my cabin and stay there for a while.
KM: What would be one of these reasons to have to go to your cabin for a while?
BM: Financial/infrastructure collapse of the United States. And also it seems that when the U.S. has a cold the world sneezes.
KM: Is this cabin stocked with guns?
BM: No, but my house is. And I’m working on getting a food supply.
KM: For the cabin or for your house?
BM: For the cabin.
KM: Why?
BM: Because as I said before I don’t doubt that there will be a real reason for me to have to stay there.
KM: Why would it be easier to shoot zombies?
BM: Because I know that they are not living people with feelings and emotions and families. They just want brains.
KM: So would their fellow zombies not be considered their family?
BM: No. They are no longer living individuals.
KM: You’re okay with shooting the living dead. Not the living, no?
BM: More so. Yes. In an extreme situation of self-preservation I would hope that I would be able to do whatever necessary.

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