Sunday, May 15, 2011

Interview 12

AGE: 25

KM: How do you envision the end of the world?
WW: I don’t know, I’ve never really thought the world was going to end. I don’t think the biblical one is going to work. I don’t think it will be over in 2012 or whenever they say.
KM: Why don’t you think the biblical one will work?
WW: I’m not silly churchy. I don’t think there will be four horsemen and plagues and rapture and stuff.
KM: You don’t think anything will happen in 2012 then either?
WW: No! Isn’t that the big doomsday day? When the Myan calendar resets and the fortune teller guy went off. I don’t think there is any set day. And I also don’t know what you mean when you ask the world is going to end, like when our civilization kills itself? Or when the world explodes or what?
KM: Which one to you would mean the end of the world? The end of civilization or the world blowing up?
WW: I don’t know. Just cause all the dinosaurs were dead does that mean the world ends? Or is it Bravo Burrito going out of business.
KM: So am I to assume that you would equate Bravo Burrito going out of business as apocalyptic?
WW: No. I think apocalyptic if your going that route, I think of apocalyptic as world war three, nuclear holocaust. Mutual annihilation crap, everyone dies cause we blew ourselves up.
KM: Do you think there will be any sort of nuclear holocaust in our lifetime?
WW: I think we will eventually kill ourselves. Our strive for growth and industrialization will kill us.
KM: Humanity will bring about it’s own demise then?
WW: Yeah.

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