Sunday, May 15, 2011

Interview 5

AGE: 32

KM: How do you envision the end of the world?
CK: Similar to the dinosaurs. I think that a meteorite will hit the earth and people will die. And the cockroaches will live.
KM: We’ll meet the same demise as the dinosaurs then?
CK: Yep.
KM: As in the earth becomes uninhabitable?
CK: By humans. I think certain creatures will make it through it. Cockroaches will make it though. Deep-sea creatures will survive. But humans won’t.
KM: It won’t be the death of everything living then, humans at least though.
CK: No, I think it would be humans and the majority of animals. It’s going to wipe out nature in ways, but things will grow back. Certain creatures will still make it through it, how certain creatures made it through the end of the dinosaurs.
KM: But any creatures that help to sustain human life will meet their end in this same happening?
CK: I don’t think it would matter, because people are going to be gone anyways. My guess is if anything like that hit it would be a whirlwind. We would all be swept up, not necessarily into space, but we would no longer be where we were when it hit.

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